This is pure evil. In 1996, Pfizer management used an experimental meningitis drug called Troven by testing it on 200 innocent Nigerian children without notifying their parents or obtaining parental consent. The consequences were terrible.
After this terrifying experiment, 11 children died, while other children suffered from brain damage, organ failure and paralysis. The families of the injured children only received compensation for the damage caused by Pfizer years later, but before that the children had to undergo DNA analyzes to prove that they were indeed victims of the failed Pfizer experiment.
It was only in 2009 that Pfizer agreed to pay damages in the amount of 75 million dollars, although they never admitted that their experimental drug was indeed ‘to blame’ for the damage suffered by the affected children.
Some people suspected that DNA testing is just a new excuse for not being paid compensation, because not all of the participants received compensation, but only some, and we must know that these are mostly ignorant and illiterate people who do not even know what DNA testing is and which are easy to manipulate, so some of them even gave up DNA testing in fear that it was some new experiment. The rest of the money that was not distributed to the families, $25 million to be exact, was invested in the construction of the Medical Center for Disease Prevention and Control and research so that the local population could fight various diseases and epidemics on site.
It is enough to see such videos and imagine how much pharmaceutical companies really think about our health and how much about their profits. The various tests they perform in Third World countries speak volumes about this. They test their experimental drugs and vaccines from which people die or suffer terrible consequences. One thing is certain – they cannot be trusted.