Welcome to the digital prison – From gradual digitization to the new totalitarianism

Welcome to the digital prison – From gradual digitization to the new totalitarianism

Let it never be forgotten – the society we live in is not pluralistic, nor is it free. Any system that unlawfully controls its citizens is not free, but totalitarian. From the gradual digitization of everything and everything, which has been carried out for years, there will be a complete digitization of both us and the world we live in, which will result in the totalitarianism of a new era, the likes of which this world has never seen.

The digitization of our identity, turning people into codes, ciphers, passwords and pins, is already underway. The digital world is presented to the public as something benign, self-explanatory and, most importantly, as something that we should all accept without reservation. That’s what we did – surrendering without the slightest thought to the digitization of all our personalities, in order to become pawns in the hands of chess players who no longer even hide behind the curtain. People who play with us as pawns have clearly defined and written goals that, let’s not doubt, they will stick to faithfully.

The Chinese lockdown, which took place in the world’s largest training room of the ‘brand new world’, went to the extreme and led to absurdity because what happened there and what is still happening there has nothing to do with common sense. The rest of the world is watching all this, but apart from protest notes at the state level and media reports, nothing important is happening, because no one has enough influence on that country. They decided to go further. The only question is how far the Chinese authorities will go in humiliating their citizens.

The desire of the rulers to control the people and consequently their submissive obedience has led the whole world to witness a sick tyranny that is being carried out because of a ‘dangerous virus’. And, we are wrong if we think that all this does not happen to all of us, because we all share this world, we are not separated from each other.

We are all part of humanity, and when one part of humanity suffers or is hungry, the rest of humanity should not shrug its shoulders either.

However, we all know that there is no empathy at all and that most people look after themselves and their own interests and as long as they are doing well, they are not interested in anyone’s unfortunate fate.

They think that they are untouchable and that the invisible hand of injustice will never reach them because the injustice is meant for someone else, not them. It seems that there are people in the world who have immunity to injustice, and only they know how they acquired it. That vaccine forever deprived them of any worries that they generously leave to others, because they are vaccinated not only against all the injustices of this world, but also against any empathy.
They run away from empathy like the worst virus, like the devil from incense.

Because if by some chance there was empathy in the majority of people, then there would be no hunger from which people die every day and all this is accepted as something completely normal and it is not written or spoken about at all. All people who have not been vaccinated against injustice are daily at the gust of fate determined for them by those people who will never be touched by injustice because they have been vaccinated against it in advance, through membership cards of political parties and memberships in various secret and semi-secret local and global societies and organizations through which this immunity is acquired.

We have forgotten that we came to this world to ask questions, not to have the answer to everything in advance. In ‘The Book of Laughter and Forgetting’, Milan Kundera reminds us that people’s stupidity stems from the fact that they have an answer for everything, while the wisdom of the novel lies precisely in asking questions and encouraging thinking. It is the writer who reminds the reader that he should understand this world as one big question.

That’s why it’s so nice to get back to books. They are there to restore our right to our questions. They are there to give us back our right to believe in mystery and miracles. In a totalitarian world there is no place for questions, let’s not forget that fact. The totalitarian world has the answer to everything and does not allow anyone to question it. Anyone who asks any question in a totalitarian society and who dares to see the world through his eyes as opposed to the eyes of the system, will be declared insane.
When Don Quixote (‘Don Quixote’, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra) went into the world, that world turned into a mystery before his eyes because he saw and imagined him as such, not caring about the fact that he was crazy to many people. He believed that ordinary inns were enchanted castles, and young peasant women were beautiful princesses. For him, windmills were giants sent by evil sorcerers. For him, the villager from the neighborhood was Dulcinea del Toboso, a beautiful virgin to whom he swore his love and devotion.

The world is as we see and experience it. We are here to see it with our own eyes and for our life to have meaning. Otherwise, if we surrender to the elements and blind obedience to the system, everything loses its meaning. And, therefore, let’s not let anyone take away our right to our vision of the world, to our imagination and dreams. Let’s keep them as the most sacred treasure.

“It takes so little, so infinitely little, for a person to find himself on the opposite side of the border beyond which everything loses its meaning, including love, belief, faith, and history. The whole secret of human life lies in the fact that it takes place in the immediate vicinity of that border, even in direct contact with it, that it is not kilometers but only one millimeter away from it,” writes Milan Kundera in the “Book of Laughter and Forgetting”. The line between the worlds of struggle and surrender is thin. This realization will motivate some people to persevere in the fight for their dreams, and unfortunately leave some to the elements. But let’s not be afraid of that millimeter, let’s try to resist it.

This is a hypocritical world woven of lies. He boasts about the freedom he doesn’t have. He boasts of righteousness that he does not have. He brags about caring for people’s health while people are starving to death. It boasts of caring for the environment, which it pollutes daily and systematically in a hundred ways, destroying the health of people and all other living beings on the planet.
Let’s just look at how much food big shopping centers throw away at the end of the day every day. Isn’t that shameful – to know that someone somewhere in the world is hungry and to see huge amounts of unsold food being thrown away? This is capitalism – the desire for profit at any cost, the greedy running after money, even if half the goods were thrown away at the end of the day, but the important thing is that they tried to get money from customers with those goods.

Only buyers of goods, products and services are interested in this world. Anyone who does not have the status of a buyer, because he has no means of living, is not interesting to capitalists and is put in the write-off drawer. In the near future, more and more occupations will be entrusted to robots and more and more people will be placed in the write-off drawers where they will be forced to wait for handouts in the form of a single income because they will no longer have the income they had until yesterday. They will live on digital vouchers that they will be able to spend within certain limited periods that will be determined by the rulers and on those necessities that will also be determined as the only goods that can be purchased with vouchers. People and their survival will depend on the social credits they will earn through obedience and an acceptable carbon footprint.

In the name of the climate agenda – in the future, people will be forced to give up their real estate assets if they do not have an acceptable energy certificate, i.e. carbon footprint.Dystopia, therefore, is not so far away. She is there, in front of the door. We are on our way to a digital prison. Its bars are invisible. It is entered voluntarily through applications that eventually become mandatory from voluntary. It is important that we feel that we have made a decision ourselves. But it’s all a trick. And, we should think carefully before we accept something from the realm of the ‘new normal’.

Let’s remember Noam Chomsky who said: “It is ridiculous to talk about freedom in a society dominated by huge corporations.” What kind of freedom is there within a corporation? These are totalitarian institutions – you take orders from above and maybe give them to people below you. There is about as much freedom in corporations as there was under Stalinism.”

A government that monitors citizens, rewarding them for obedience and punishing them for disobedience, that controls the economy, that interferes in the consumption of citizens and that does not allow freedom of the media and speech and, if necessary, uses rigorous measures and rules, as well as the inevitable terror that leads to the package with these rules, which is implemented through the official and secret police and paramilitary organizations, is a totalitarian government that has nothing to do with pluralism and the rule of law in which citizens should feel comfortable, safe and protected. We are on the sure path to totalitarianism the likes of which this world has never seen.

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