For us conscious people, these are genetic mutations, that is, “genetically modified organisms”. Globalists are already changing humanity, right before our eyes, and we have already seen videos showing that they are deliberately creating mutated hybrids, modifying human DNA with animal DNA.
Seeing these children born black-eyed is certainly shocking, but not surprising, and would fit with our current prevailing theory about the ELites’ DNA-modifying aspirations and their plans to kill or zombify the rest of us.
It certainly makes sense that they plan to target parts of the female genome to ensure that any child born moving forward is loyal to the Beast System and not technically human. Those babies definitely don’t look like regular people. Their eyes are not only dark. They are so dark that they almost look like a demonic creation itself
This video shows the bad effects of the COVID vaccine on infants. Parents were vaccinated between December 2020 and January 2021. Many “black-eyed babies” have dilated pupils combined with premature aging. The little ones resemble a mixture of aliens and dolls. The video shows a baby sitting at the age of 4 months. It also shows a baby crawling at 2 months, a baby walking at 3 months, and a baby saying “mama” at 4 months.
Things like this are definitely not normal and no one can and should not convince us otherwise.
Not to mention the newborn has grown a damn tooth. This is definitely one of the creepiest videos you will ever see. The reaction on social media was priceless. One viewer wrote: “It’s not easy to say that. It’s soulless horror show shit.” Another added: “They’ve been given super powers! The age of the X-babies is at hand.”
Are the parents to blame for this?
Has the time finally come to withdraw and reexamine the vaccine?