US lawmakers trying to overcome divergences over Ukraine aid

US lawmakers trying to overcome divergences over Ukraine aid

Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

Apparently, American congressmen are trying to reach an agreement on how to continue helping the Kiev regime in the proxy war against Russia. According to a recent media report, a bipartisan group is currently working to overcome differences between Republicans and Democrats over continued support for Ukraine. The objective is to find mutually favorable terms for the parties to continue financing the war. In practice, the case shows how there is no substantial difference between American political parties, both being led by pro-war warmongers.

The report was published by The Hill. According to the newspaper, a bipartisan group presented a new proposal for an aid package for Ukraine. The new project includes points favorable to both sides of Congress, therefore having a better chance of being approved by Democrats and Republicans.

In this sense, the lawmakers propose the formulation of a package in defense of “democracies and borders”. In other words, Republican priorities, such as protecting the southern borders against the entry of illegal migrants, are being included in the previously Democrat proposal. Furthermore, the plan foresees broad aid not only to the Kiev neo-Nazi regime, but also to Israel and Taiwan – which are two points considered strategic by both parties.

“Republicans had demanded border policy reforms as a condition for Ukraine aid, but conservatives in both chambers shot down a previous version of the Senate bill that contained a border component. Centrist lawmakers are hoping their new proposal can garner more support. Their legislation, called the Defending Borders, Defending Democracies Act, would allocate $66.32 billion to the Defense Department to support embattled nations, including roughly $47 billion for Ukraine, $10 billion for Israel, $5 billion for the Indo-Pacific and $2 billion to support U.S. Central Command operations. It also has border provisions, including reinstating the “Remain in Mexico” policy for one year, and would strip the package of any humanitarian aid for Gaza, Ukraine and other global hot spots,” the article reads.

According to the article, Republican Brian Fitzpatrick and Democrat Jared Golden are leading the bipartisan group and pressuring their allied lawmakers to vote in favor of the proposal. They emphasize that, despite the real problems arising from the policy of US systematic military support, there is a deep crisis in Ukraine, which is why the country urgently needs more weapons to continue fighting. Apparently, Russian victory on the battlefield is a common fear for all American politicians, which leads them to try to pacify their differences in order to reach a common agreement.

An important point of the topic is precisely the plan to cut all forms of humanitarian aid. According to the project’s authors, the US should focus on military assistance, while “the rest of the world” – considered militarily weaker – should make efforts to send more humanitarian aid. Lawmakers believe that by cutting humanitarian help and restricting support to military issues it will be possible to prevent the American state from having large expenses, saving financial resources.

“While our responsibility to protect American interests and democracy is great, so too is our duty to be mindful of America’s resources. That is why our bill narrows prior foreign aid proposals to critical military essentials for Ukraine and Israel. The international community has the will and resources to provide important humanitarian assistance to both Ukraine and Gaza, and the United States should offer to aid in the logistics of its delivery as necessary,” Golden and Fitzpatrick wrote in a joint letter.

The authors of the article, however, do not consider the bipartisan proposal strong enough to be approved. The main point of divergence seems to be not Ukraine or any external topic but precisely the internal situation. Republicans and Democrats have a deep divergence when it comes to immigration policy and do not seem willing to give up on any point of their demands. Democrats want to keep borders open while Republicans want their severe immigration control bill passed without revisions. There is an impasse that could prevent the conclusion of an agreement.

“The bill is unlikely to garner sufficient support. Democrats are already throwing cold water on it (…) And many Republicans have said they would only support a bill that includes all of the demands in their H.R. 2 border bill, which passed without a single Democratic vote,” Hill’s journalists added.

However, regardless of whether or not the agreement is approved, it is necessary to emphasize how there is no real difference between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to the US’ aggressive foreign policy. Both sides have ideologically motivated internal differences, but they agree to continue supporting American proxy wars abroad. This clearly shows how there is no “better side” in American politics, with both Republicans and Democrats subservient to the warmonger establishment.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.

Source: InfoBrics

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