Predictive Programming as Preparation for the Digital Enslavement of Humanity

Predictive Programming as Preparation for the Digital Enslavement of Humanity

While watching some movies or series we often ask ourselves – what do the powerful want to prepare us for this time, right? It’s as if we know, as if we sense deep down inside that through various media the powerful are karmically cleansing themselves along the way, silently programming our minds to accept everything we see, including the things that we would never accept as something normal, under normal circumstances, i.e. if were not programmed to accept them.

That’s how they have been preparing us for years for the so-called the ‘new normal’ and when the ‘new normal’ finally arrived, most human minds were ready to accept that ‘new normal’, no matter how twisted it was, because they were programmed to accept it. The main purpose of predictive programming is exactly that – to psychologically trick the minds of the masses into accepting major traumatic events before they actually happen, which would otherwise, if their minds were not pre-prepared for them, by all accounts, be massively resisted. However, considering that this is about the manipulation of the masses or the entire humanity, then we can say that humanity has failed the test of protecting its own mind and preventing it from being washed away.

In the book ‘Secret Society and Psychological Warfare’, Michael Hoffman describes mind control techniques. They are usually carried out in a covert manner and accompanied by certain occult signs and symbolic words. Considering the fact that everything takes place very subtly, this process will not cause any meaningful response in the form of opposition or resistance from the target, that is, the observer who is being manipulated. It is one of the most effective and very perfidious techniques of psychological warfare and rape of the human mind.

Many psychologists believe that silence is a form of consent. And it is precisely because of this that these dark, manipulation-obsessed occultists believe they are getting our consent as they carry out their performance of programming our minds. The whole process of manipulation may seem invisible to the majority of people, but it’s very much familiar to us and there is no way they can hide their plans from us who are aware of the this process. It’s up to them to try, and it’s up to us to resist their attempts to control our minds.

This is what we know as ‘predictive programming’. With predictive programming, the minds of the masses are impregnated with visuals of a major events before they happen. This is done through all forms of media and can be very subtle, so that no one notices, but as we can see from countless examples, it can also be very dangerous. Most people are simply not aware of this danger. Subliminal messages are being sent to us all the time. They are all around us. They are being imprinted in our subconsciousness as we get through the day. People are not even aware of how much the consumption of wrong media content can poison them and cost them dearly, including their health and even their life. Blind belief in the system in which we live and of which we are all prisoners is very dangerous. We should never take any information for granted, but on the contrary – question everything and make our own decisions and choices.

And, as much as it seems to us that predictive programming happens in a subtle and latent way, we should keep in mind that the subconscious mind notices everything and to our great regret – it can easily be programmed by repetition. Our subconscious creates 95% of our life. And so these wannabe controllers of our minds just endlessly repeat everything they want us to accept as the new reality. Considering the fact that these images are delivered to us through entertainment, they do not provoke a meaningful response of opposition or resistance of any kind by the observer. And so we subconsciously accept them, and when the event actually happens in reality, it is already known to us and acceptable as such, we think that it must be so. It is imprinted in our subconscious.

It’s a mind trick, and it works perfectly – by keeping all people locked in a ‘spectator-observer’ state. Their mind is their prison and they simply can’t find the way out. It’s a very passive state in which a person is totally relaxed and as such – very open and ready to receive all kinds of messages. This causes what is known as ‘paradigm blindness’, which is when a person is unable to see any reality other than the one they have already been exposed to by the media. Mind prisoners will never become free thinkers, unless they wake up and realize they are being manipulated.

This paradigm blindness will cause a person to be emotionally triggered only when confronted with alternative viewpoints that the person is not programmed to accept. It’s a very powerful mind trick, and the solution is actually quite simple. We have to stop living as observers of other people’s reality and we have to start creating our own reality. So let’s not run into other people’s worlds, but let’s create worlds around us. Each and every one of us is the creator and builder of our own life. We were not born to be observers, but to be creators of our own lives and as such – sovereign and equal participants in the game called Life.

Also, we have to be very careful about the content we perceive and we have to choose wisely the content that will enter our system.

The global manipulators have been preparing us for the corona virus through movies for years. Our subconscious has remembered everything we have seen over the years and when the pandemic started, people in large numbers saw it all as something that could happen, even more – as a complete disaster that threatens the destruction of humanity, which is why they agreed to all kinds of craziness, they locked themselves in their homes (read: imprisoned themselves), put protective masks on their faces, distanced themselves from each other, disinfected their hands at every step, put rubber gloves on their hands, put those funny visors on their faces, some even put bags on their heads, they waited for hours in lines for vaccination, in a word – they performed ‘pure miracles’ as if they were hypnotized, which apparently they were and still are. Unfortunately. And now – they are already programmed to accept the next disaster, whatever it is. They keep waiting and waiting. And again, when that happens, whatever it may be, they will obediently listen to the system’s instructions in large numbers, in order to, let’s say – save the planet (it seems to be next on the agenda).

People are not in control of their own lives. The system and the mainstream media are in control of their lives. The mainstream media own them. Most people. Let’s be happy that it’s not all of us and that there are people whom no one can convince of anything until they are convinced of something themselves.

It’s amazing how easy it is to manipulate and program people to accept something abnormal as completely normal, just because that’s what it says in their subconscious and just because they have the feeling that they’ve seen it somewhere before. That’s what propaganda is for, and we should keep in mind that not only products and services are propagated through the media, but also the agenda of the New World Order is propagated in a covert way. Are people really so shallow? Everything is so transparent and served to us on a platter by the mainstream media and the entertainment industry. All you have to do is open your eyes and look around. We don’t want to be prisoners of our own minds, that’s for sure. The wannabe controllers of our minds want to go a step further every single day. Bit by bit, they want to enslave us completely by digitizing all aspects of our lives. We must wake up before it’s too late.

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